‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is yet another racy, gripping thriller flicks from Lifetime. ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ revolves around the story of Hannah and Madison, cousins played by Keara Greaves and Sydney Meyer. ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is released by Lifetime as a part of the theme of its annual horror festival “Shocktober, Hateful & Grateful, and Slay Bells”.
Plot Lines
‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ revolves around Hannah and Madison trying face the deals of life after high school. With a stark contrast between Hannah and Madison while one wishes to succeed by her own means and the other wishes to succeed without any tinge of hard work, the path taken by the two reflects the doors opening to an entertaining plot. While Hannah is a talented all-rounder being proficient in academics while heading the cheer-leading squad, she has the right profile for a perfect college admission.
On the contrary, Madison is none of what Hannah is and wishes to threaten Hannah to propping for her college exam. The road turns murky as things take wild turns in this thriller.
‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ True Story or Scripted Plot?
‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is not based on a true story. Scripted by Jennifer Edwards and Amy Katherine Taylor, ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is directed by Leo Scherman. Though the plot characters revolves around Hannah and Madison, the crux of the storyline revolves around a true pyschosocial development observed in teens. During the age of fifteen to eighteen, this period is crucial for teens as they go through a lot of trauma and face an identity crisis while trying to discover themselves. Madison is a classic example of the situation where she tries to satisfy her parents but finds an unethical way to deal with it.
A related story which ponders around the crux of ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ is the case of W.F. West High School in Chehalis (Washington) from 2017 revolving around a sixteen year old. Jealousy, greed and blind urge to achieve beyond the peers is a case of concern and ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies’ throws light on just that.