Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

Jujutsu Kaisen is on a roll. The manga series has reached the ‘Culling Game’ arc, and the thrill factor is intense. As we know, Gojo is out of the picture and the world of Jujutsu Kaisen is also in jeopardy. Our heroes Yuuji and Megumi are separated and they are in the midst of the Culling Game. The current chapter will delve into the fight between Yuuji vs. Higuruma.

Yuuji and Higurama are in the throes of their fight. Higurama is not the foe none of the readers or even Yuuji has expected of him. Yuuji challenged Higuruma for 100 points, and Higuruma unleashes his Domain. In his backstory Higurama is a good man, a lawyer whom the world broke down relentlessly.

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Spoilers Raw Scans and Potential Release Date Revealed

  • Higurama is not really strong but his technique is immaculate.
  • Yuuji realizes that he needs a single blow to take Higuruma out.
  • The Domain Judgeman reveals that Yuuji is under suspicion of entering the Maji Vegas Pachinko Parlor when he was under 18 years old.
  • Higuruma reveals that they both have a chance to have a say, and after that the Judgeman will deliver a verdict.
  • Once the verdict is delivered, the one who wins the trials goes free.
  • Yuuji tries to play it smart, but lies and is caught on it.
  • Higurama begins his attack.

Higurama is an excellent character, a good man gone bad. Let’s see what the next chapter will bring.

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