One Piece, one of the longest running shounen mangas. The manga has gone on a hiatus, and next chapter, One Piece chapter 1019 will be out on July 18. The manga is at a crucial stage, and we are in the midst of the fight between Jinbei and Who’s Who. Who’s Who is thoroughly defeated and ends the battle with the enigmatic words to “free the enslaved people”. Luffy who has been missing from the action since many chapters, will return to the action.
Monosuke revealed that Luffy has sufficiently healed and recovered, and can join the battle. Chapter 1019, will also reveal the backstory of the mysterious Nika, the legendary Sun God. The chapters though dense are proving to be a great deal of fuel for fan theories and speculations.
One Piece Chapter 1019 Spoilers
- Luffy will finally make his grand entrance.
- Who’s Who harbours hate against Shanks and Luffy. Since Shanks gave his hat to Luffy.
- Kaidou has been betrayed by his peers, chances of his complete defeat at the hand of the Straw Hats is high.
- Zoro will also return after recuperating from his grievous injuries.
- The fight between Jinbei and Who’s Who may restart due to Who’s Who second wind.
One Piece Chapter 1019 Spoilers
- Kaido and Yamato, their fight is much awaited. Yamato will join the Straw Hats and break some shackles from her life.
- There will be an update on Nico Robin vs. Black Maria and their fight will be revealed.
- Luffy holds the key about the mysterious ‘D’ middle name.
- Zoro and Luffy will team together to fight with Kaido.
- Will of the ‘D’, what is this, the eternal mystery of the series.
- Nika must have rebelled against the Celestial Deities, and Who’s Who knows much more than he is letting on.
- Sun God, in Japanese culture the sun has major significance.
- Jinbei’s eagerness to join the Straw Hats, is very suspicious.
These chapters will reveal the identity of the lore, and we will get some answers that we have been looking for. Let’s dive into the world of One Piece in these incredible new chapters.