Mon. Feb 3rd, 2025
dr stone c 206

Dr. Stone is at an exciting phase. The last chapter 205 ended with a very important revelation that Sai is Ryusui’s brother. This has fulfilled many fan theories and set the theorists going. The next Dr. Stone Chapter 206 will be released on August 9, 2021. The Shounen manga publisher, Weekly Shounen Jump is taking an off since the Tokyo Olympics this month so we are going to miss updates of our beloved mangas in the upcoming week. But let’s discuss theories and other aspects.

Most mangas will be out on August 1, 2021, but Dr. Stone is taking an additional week since the creators want to do their due diligence with their research. Dr. Stone is known for its scientifically accurate descriptions and all this has happened only due to the efforts of the mangakas and their editors.

Dr. Stone Chapter 206 Spoilers

  • Sai and Ryusui’s sibling connection was finally revealed.
  • Their sneaky, yet adorable relationship has taken up a new significance.
  • Sai was raised to be humble, and his abilities were dumbed down to become Nanami Corp’s actuary.
  • Sai wonders how long it will take to bring a computer to the Stone World.
  • Senku estimates around five years, Sai wonders how will he survive this world without even a pocket calculator.
  • Sai encourages the Senku group to work towards a computer so that they can start programming and bring in progress to the Stone world.

Dr. Stone Chapter 206 Theories

  • Sai is a genius, his humble nature only adds to his appeal.
  • If the games come to fruition, the cast playing games is too adorable to imagine.
  • Speculation is rife, that the computer will see vacuum tubes, and semi-conductors brought into the narrative.
  • Sai is a programmer and not a mathematician has put a spanner in a many a fan theory.
  • Will the gang recreate a version of the famed game Dragon Quest.
  • Sai’s presence means that the narrative can now focus on bringing lost pop-culture to the stone world.

With a long hiatus ahead, we can only theorize and wrack our brains to figure out the conundrums in Dr. Stone.

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